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Welcome everyone to my review! I am an emergency doctor and today, getting ready for vacation and wiping my phone with alcohol, I thought, why not tell the world about it? Once upon a time, when choosing my first assistant in my life, I was faced with many questions

In the human body there are many clusters of nerve ganglia located outside the brain and spinal cord. What is the solar plexus? The largest of them is the solar plexus. From the solar node, like the rays of the sun, depart the nerves connecting the most important

Wild rose is an unpretentious and widespread medicinal plant. Preparations based on it have a complex effect on the body, supporting strength, facilitating the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, saturating it with vitamins and microelements, and normalizing metabolism.

The secret of the properties of melt water has been the object of research by world scientists in the field of biology, chemistry and other natural sciences for decades. The reason for this was information about the healing properties of this drink from residents of Siberia, the Far East, etc.

Choose the maternity hospital that you like. Compulsory health insurance (CHI) gives this right. However, the options for choosing a maternity hospital may be limited. So, an important document is the exchange card, which is issued in the 20–22nd week of pregnancy.

In the buttock painlessly and without consequences? This question is especially of interest to those who have been prescribed a drug, but have neither the strength nor the desire to go to the hospital for its intramuscular administration. It is worth noting that such procedures represent

Maria Sokolova Reading time: 7 minutes A A Everyone knows about the changes that occur to a woman in her position: breasts and weight increase, the belly becomes rounder, tastes, desires and moods change, and so on. The list of such changes can be made by

Hot spices and seasonings are in great demand because they add variety to the diet and reveal the facets of the taste of familiar foods. In the love of spicy food, real passions can flare up. There are even specialized restaurants for lovers,

Often a person may experience an attack of fear, anxiety, insomnia and psychomotor agitation. All these symptoms are the result of neuroses or indicate the development of disorders of the cardiovascular system. To eliminate them most

Many people do not realize how many benefits a compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) provides. It is imperative to know this information; only in this case can you consider yourself protected and informed when visiting a medical facility. I agree

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